Monday, November 19, 2012

Pregnancy Diet For A Healthy Motherhood

Pregnancy, the most vital phase in a women life, makes her go through several psychological, emotional and physical changes. With the evolving baby in your body, your body begins to demand more from its average intake of diet. This is where a balanced pregnancy diet bridges the gap for extra nutrients that your body requires for a healthy pregnancy.

Plan Your Diet Wisely

Although the demand for nutrients increases during pregnancy, but it is always wise to plan and choose food from various food groups. Ensure that your nutrition during pregnancy has food like vegetables, fruits, grains, pulses and milk products which are rich in calcium, protein, Vitamin A,B and C. Apart from these food combinations you have to ensure that you have certain nutrients which are vital for you and your childs growth during your pregnancy stage. For the sake of ease let us list down the nutrients which play a significant role in our pregnancy diet

Folic Acid In Pregnancy Diet

Folic acid, better known as Folate, is rich in vitamin B and is found mostly in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, orange juice and kale(type of Cabbage). Folate prevents your child from serious abnormalities of the brain and spine. L fashion jackets online ack of Folic acid leads to inadequate growth of the fetus, underdeveloped brain, incomplete closure of spinal cord, preterm delivery and low birth weight.

Calcium in pregnancy diet

Calcium is another important nutrient, which should be a part of your pregnancy Diet. Calcium is used by the body. When a womens body begins to lack in calcium, the body itself begins to take calcium from the bones needed for the baby, thus making the bones weak and in the end fragile enough to break, osteoporosis. Having dairy products like fat free milk, hard cheese, green leafy vegetables like kale, fortified food like Orange juice and cereals will help you overcome your deficiency for calcium.

Iron In Pregnancy Diet

During your pregnancy period, the need for iron intake also increases. Iron in our blood helps carry oxygen to the blood cells. During pregnancy women have blood in excess volume, so this excess blood requires an excess amount of iron. During pregnancy not just your blood cells but your growing childs cells require oxygen, this is where again the demand for the amount of oxygen is fulfilled by iron.

Lack of iron leads to Anemia, which can result in preterm delivery or low weight baby, excessive low iron could make your child anemic in infancy. Iron deficiency can be made up by having red meat, shellfish, beans, potatoes and iron fortified cereals.

Concerns On Pregnancy Weight Planning

Pregnancy weight has always been a matter of concern for women during pregnancy. Weight varies from women to women and from pregnancy to pregnancy, so you need not worry too much.

If you are underweight try to gain a little weight as underweight women mostly have underweight babies. Doctors normally try to ensure that you gain weight through your pregnancy diet. If you do not your body fat is used to support pregnancy.

If overweight you obviously do not want to gain more, but losing weight during pregnancy is not a good idea as it could affect your child. Thus, overweight women should try not to gain anything more than 15 pounds throughout their pregnancy.

On a closing note, have a balanced and disciplined pregnancy diet for a happy and healthy motherhood.

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