Sunday, July 15, 2012

D&G Flower Sunglasses and Color Blocked Oxfords

This outfit was inspired by a few things. I loved the D&G flowered sunglasses from their spring collection. I was also swooning over the color blocked oxfords that are huge in men's wear right now. So of course, I had to steel both looks. The oxfords are a bit more subtle, but later I plan to paint over the white. This is just a base for the next color so it will pop. If you'd like to see a DIY TUTORIAL on these, comment below and I'll do one soon. 
 I'm not even gonna lie. These are without a doubt the best photos I have taken of myself (meaning I did this with a tripod) since I've been blogging. If you have been reading my blog for a while, then you know that I haven't always been taking personal style photos. My blog used to be an inspiration site. That was all fine and dandy, but at a certain point I made a decision to make all the content original. Of course this takes a lot more effort, but I truly enjoy it. I don't have someone taking my photos for me. I do it all myself (for my blog and all my other projects). Everything on this site and my other site was all done by me! I honestly try to make my photos as dynamic as I possibly can with a tripod. I'm currently looking for a new camera though, so that I can raise the quality.
 It honestly takes a lot for me to upload photos, because I am such a perfectionist. I can't tell you how many times I've spent hours taking photos, but didn't upload them because they didn't meet my standards. I truly have to force myself to upload them. I'm usually behind the camera rather than in front, so controlling both sides and still getting the results you're looking for takes practice. With me, I have to match these images to the images I have created in my head, and when I do it feels amazing! And right now, I feel pretty good about these images...

I hope you enjoyed this and I love you for reading!


I'm done. I put my two weeks in today. I can't take it anymore. I can't lose myself again and that's what I feel like I've done. Lost myself. I'm not me anymore. I'm never happy. You know it's time to do something else when you'd rather not wake up in the morning but just drift off into an eternal sleep. It sounds depressing, it sounds extreme, but it's really what I feel. I can't explain the feeling I've had the past few weeks. I try to explain to my parents, to my co workers, to Matt...I can't get the words out. How empty and sad I've felt. How lifeless and hopeless. I fell asleep crying last night, just wanting it all to end. I decided enough was enough today. At the end of my shift I wrote on a piece of paper my last day would be July 29. I just want to be alive again.

They say in life do what makes you happy. I'm going to do just that.

With much love, Lauren.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

feathers in my hair

I think everyone has a piece of clothing that they find hard to wear. For me, it's this particular top. Since March I've been trying to work this shirt into my outfits, but since I tend to wear a lot of high-waisted skirts, I've found it incredibly difficult to wear this shirt without having it oddly puff up. I finally discovered that this skirt created the perfect combination with this top. The skirt has a very fitted elastic top that extends down, so the elastic part of the shirt fits snuggly together. Problem solved!

The feathered hairband was actually a piece I bought to wear when I was Ke$ha for Halloween this past year (I know! What was I thinking!?? But in my defence it was a very last minute costume and I wasn't feeling creative). It originally had three feathers but one broke off while I was dancing, so I'm left with two. It's a nice piece to add a pop to an outfit, but it hurts my head a tad, so I ended up taking it off halfway through the day.

La Roca Village "Chic Summer"

El verano es una de mis estaciones del año preferidas. El sol, la playa y las actividades al aire libre de las que podemos disfrutar durante esta época hacen que me sienta realmente contenta y alegre. Además, en esta época también es cuando llegan las deseadas rebajas de verano que van tan bien para darnos algún caprichito. ¿Ya tenéis vuestra wishlist preparada?

Como a mí me gusta poder ir de rebajas de manera tranquila y relajada, sin prisas ni agobios, suelo elegir centros al aire libre y en un entorno natural. Uno de mis centros comerciales favoritos para poder disfrutar de las rebajas de esta forma es, sin lugar a dudas, La Roca Village (Barcelona), un lugar precioso y con encanto. Allí podemos encontrar más de 100 boutiques de primer marca con ropa de mujer, caballero, niños o ropa de hogar con unos descuentos de hasta el 60% sobre el precio original, vamos, lo que se dice unas verdaderas gangas.

Además, hasta el 31 de agosto están celebrando La Roca Village Chic Summer, una celebración de música, arte, gastronomía y moda que no te puedes perder para tener una jornada de rebajas redonda. Música por las calles del centro, cócteles veraniegos para refrescarnos y originales propuestas gastronómicas de la mano de los prestigiosos restauradores Ada Parellada y Jordi Vilà, poseedor de una Estrella Michelín. El slogan de la campaña es 'cuando visitas sitios fantásticos, te pasan cosas fantásticas' y la verdad es que me parece muy acertado. Si queréis tener más información sobre esta espléndida propuesta, podéis entrar aquí

Yo no pienso perderme esta oportunidad y ya me he reservado un día para asistir a esta celebración con mis amigas.
A continuación os dejo con el vídeo de presentación de esta magnífica iniciativa. ¡¡No os lo perdáis porque es muy divertido y colorido!!